(The following is the Interview of a Japanese volunteer who visited Ishinomaki, Miyagi. Cited from Real Voice of Japan http://hearthevoicefromjapan.blogspot.com/)
In the affected areas, victims are worrying, suffering and bearing the pain beyond our imagination. I understood how enormous the damages of this earthquake disaster were after seeing them with my own eyes.
Self Defense Force garrisons, policemen, firefighters, aids from overseas, and volunteer workers like me – so many people are trying to help their restoration, but it is still far short. Manpower is what they need most.
And hands of the people are what they can actually use for the help no matter how advanced the technologies are, and how the communication becomes useful. Hands to remove the mud, hands to make rice balls, hands to carry the supplies, hands to treat patients, hands to hug and hold people in pain – it could be recognized as sharing the pain with body warmth.
You could tell those who are in pain “Don’t worry. Everything will heal easy.” But I realized how important it would be to share the feeling of pain with them by placing the hand on the wound and tell them “I know it hurts, but I’m sure it will heal. Let’s cure the wound together. “
How can we help?
・Save the Children, Japan quake victimwww.savethechildren.org/japanquake
・Save the Children, Japan quake victimwww.savethechildren.org/japanquake
・Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support Website
・Japanese Red Cross
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